Butch has the problems of the world upon his shoulders. The hapless Dingle, sickened by the abuse Emily has been suffering at the hands of her violent father, turns to Seth for advice. But the ex-gamekeeper gets hold of the wrong end of the stick and becomes concerned by Butch's questioning. Alarm bells sound for Graham when Kathy discovers a photo of his first wife. The murderous school teacher decides to tell her the 'official' version of how she died - suicide, but will she be fooled like Rachel? Bernice tells Gavin that she can not carry on lying to Alan about her failure to secure a bank loan. Gavin suggests they could ask Stella for a loan, but she flatly refuses. Guilt ridden Bernice confesses all to Alan, much to Tricia's delight. Marlon is left looking for a new housemate when Jack tells him that he is going to put up the rent on Annie's Cottage. And Eric offers Stella a business proposition - to transform Home Farm into a Health and Beauty Spa.
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