
Girl's Night Out

213 Mitglieder

LuAnn has Bethenny over to her house for drinks, where Bethenny gets her opinion on her relationship with Jason. The two are getting ready to head to a restaurant for dinner and LuAnn' son, Noel, gets upset his mother is going out again. In the car on the way to the restaurant, LuAnn teaches Bethenny some rules in etiquette and how to deal with hired help. At a suite at the Hotel Chandler, Alex and Simon get made up for opening night at the opera--their biggest event of the year. Simon talks about how important and event like this is for their society connections. Jill and Bobby go out to dinner with Bethenny and Jason. Bethenny talks about the upcoming dinner party and Jill insists it be at her apartment. Bethenny warns them not to discuss babies or relationships in front of Jason, who is an hour and a half late for dinner and then decides to leave early. Meanwhile, Bethenny and Jill's "gay husband" Brad are at Jill's apartment getting ready for the dinner party. They have invited Alex who insisted on bringing Simon, despite it being a girls-only night and tempers flare as Ramona berates Alex for bringing Simon to a girl's night. After dinner, everyone is stunned as Ramona bursts out of the room and declares that she is leaving to go have a real girls night out on the town. At a Habitat for Humanity charity event, Bethenny and Alex discuss what Ramona's real issues might be after her behavior at the dinner.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Deutschlandstart bei sixx

In den USA ein Phänomen, nun kommen auch Free-TV-Zuschauer in den Genuss dieser Reality-TV-Serie. Ab dem 9. Juli um 20:15 Uhr startet der Frauensender sixx mit der Ausstrahlung von The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Allerdings geht es nicht mit der ersten Staffel los, die schon 2010 an den Start ging, sondern mit der achten Staffel, dessen Ausstrahlung Ende 2017 in den USA begann.

The Real Housewives dreht sich um das Leben superreicher Hausfrauen, in diesem Ableger eben um Hausfrauen aus dem reichen Vorort Beverly Hills bei Los Angeles. Mittlerweile hat (gefühlt) jede größere US-Stadt einen eigenen "Real Housewives"-Ableger, neben Beverly Hills gibt es auch Dallas, New York, Orange County (Kalifornien), Atlanta, New Jersey, Potomac, Salt Lake City und D.C. Auch international gibt es diverse Spin-offs.

Einige Staffeln der Serien stehen bei Netflix zum Abruf bereit, wer mehr will, muss sich beim Streaming-Dienst hayu registrieren.

Den ganzen Artikel lesen

Nächste Episode
S01E07 - Second Chances

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