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Arrested Development - Sujet Général

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"Michael Bluth takes over family affairs after his father is imprisoned. But the rest of his spoiled, dysfunctional family are making his job unbearable. "

Une série excellente à voir en V.O. beaucoup de jeux de mot passent à la trappe.

Dernière édition le 29 avril 2015 à 16:53

"Yoda need to give some better advices or Yoda need to just the fuck up ! " Alice P. "Arrested development the movie is coming out in 2011...so's Tobias"
Membre depuis le 11 septembre 2011 — 5 messages

Excellente série, beaucoup trop sous-estimé, peut-être à cause d'un humour un peu trop "intelligent" ? J'ai l'impression des fois que les gens n'aiment pas trop ça. La presque annulation de Community ne fait que le rappeler.

En tout les cas je suis bien contente que la série reprenne du service pour des épisodes supplémentaires :D

Membre depuis le 31 août 2010 — 23 messages

Je viens de regarder cette série que je ne connaissais pas du tout et que j'ai découvert en traînant sur ce thread...
REVELATION... je m'étais plus autant marrer devant mon pc depuis Community. Vraiment à mourir de rire, quelle déception de ne voir que 3 saisons, et quelle honte de ne pas l'avoir découverte avant...

Membre depuis le 1 décembre 2011 — 4 messages

Ca va reprendre début 2013 normalement sur Netflix pour une quinzaine d'épisodes. Et ensuite le film suivra.

C'est l'histoire d'un chat qui s'en va. Mais on ne sait pas whiskas.
Membre depuis le 10 septembre 2011 — 4169 messages

C'est génial! Je suis fan aussi. George Michael me fait mourir de rire!

Membre depuis le 26 septembre 2010 — 116 messages

" The Man inside Me ", " Even if it means me taking a chubby, I will suck it up ", " Analrapist ", Tobias Funke est vraiment un de mes personnages de télé préféré !

Membre depuis le 25 mars 2012 — 1 message

fuck you, that's why
Membre depuis le 5 juin 2011 — 308 messages

Haha, pas mal !

Membre depuis le 6 décembre 2011 — 1420 messages

a écrit :
Mitch Hurwitz's guide to getting a sitcom cancelled:

Have a confusing title
Come up with an unwieldy title that perhaps comes from the realm of psychology, so that the title of your show is almost instantly forgettable. For example, if you were to call the show "Welcome Matt", an audience could immediately understand the concept: this must be a character named Matt and he must either be a welcoming person or stepped on. If you call a show "Arrested Development" it's confusing and sufficiently disorientating to guarantee that a wide audience never discovers the fruits of your labour.

Audiences love fast cars and exciting vehicles
So see if you can put in some heavy machinery like a stair-car, that isn't easily associated with speed or sex appeal.

Try to do too much for a 20-minute programme
If in your particular medium an audience is used to a simple plotline or maybe one or two stories, see if you can get eight in there, and find a way that they somehow intertwine. Also, it's important that you have a lot of anxiety when they don't intertwine, sufficient to deprive yourself of sleep so that you are miserable during the production of the show – but then upon completion of the show, you're guaranteed to be miserable, because nobody will watch it.

Add a sprinkle of incest
They'll never admit it, but viewers love sex. In fact, they love any sort of titillation, with the exception of incest. So focus on that.

First impressions are everything
So if you can screw that up, you're made. With Arrested Development, we tried showing the deep disdain that connects a family. We wanted to hold up a mirror to American society. And, just as predicted, America looked away.

Don't be afraid to give characters the same names
Audiences tend to run from confusion. So a show, for instance, where one character is named George Michael, one character is named Michael, one character is named George and one character is named George Oscar (and perhaps another character is named Oscar), will be the kind of show you can almost guarantee people won't develop a fondness for.

Make easy jokes about minority groups
Whether they be Mexicans, Jews or homosexuals, any group can be dismissed with a few stereotypical cracks. At least, that's what we tried to do. And given their "lack of coming to the party", it seems we succeeded!

Squander iconic guest stars
As an example, Liza Minnelli has famously appealed to the homosexual audience. Note: it's very important to alienate the homosexual audience first, or they might "come to the party".

Don't bother with a laughter track
Audiences don't always know "when to laugh". By omitting a laugh track you can almost guarantee they'll never find out.

Audiences like nicely dressed characters.

They also enjoy nudity
Split the difference by putting your character in a pair of cut-offs and call him a Never-Nude. Advanced: feel free to dip him in a vat of blue paint. That's a real turn-off.

Make a show for British sensibilities
And then show it in America.

Sinon, Arrested Development est ma sitcom préférée et bientôt bientôt la saison quatre !

Dernière édition le 9 avril 2013 à 21:11

Membre depuis le 9 avril 2013 — 10 messages

^ Babysit me!

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Il y a des posters sur les personnages qui viennent de sortir pour la nouvelle saison.

The Bible should be one sheet of paper. And on that sheet of paper it should say, “Try not to be a cunt.”
Membre depuis le 13 août 2009 — 1338 messages

http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/04/25/arrested-development-buster-lucille/ ... Diantre, dans un mois, Arrested Development saison quatre !

Membre depuis le 9 avril 2013 — 10 messages



C'est l'histoire d'un chat qui s'en va. Mais on ne sait pas whiskas.
Membre depuis le 10 septembre 2011 — 4169 messages

Moderator Man
GrotesqueAnimal a écrit :

Je t'imagine en train de rire façon Swanson.

Patience, bientôt le hip-hop sera une religion! Il suffit simplement d'attendre que quelqu'un tue en son nom.
Membre depuis le 5 novembre 2008 — 5834 messages

J-13 finally

the final countdoooooown

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