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Menna Shalabi

Menna Shalabi

Menna Shalabi is one of the brightest stars in the younger generation of Egyptian actors. She is the daughter of the famous dancer and performer Zizi Mustafa. Shalaby displayed a passion for performing from a very early age, no doubt due to the exposure to the industry her mother's fame provided. She would often sit in front of the mirror and pretend to be her famous mother, and also fake being sick to get out of going to school, which her mother declared was also acting. Menna made her film debut in "Al Saher" (The Magician) as Nour in 2001. She next scored a leading role beside Layla Elwy in "Baheb El Seema" (2004). Since then she's gone on to work with some of the most talented actors and directors, like Youssef Chahine with "Heya Fawda" (2007), Ahmed Abdallah with "Microphone" (2010) and Yousry Nasrallah with "After the Battle" (2012) about the infamous Battle of the Camel during the January 25 uprising. Her other film credits include "Banat Wust el Balad" (2005), "Ouija" (2006) and "Ezaet Hob" (2011).

  • BIRTH 24/07/1982
  • Country Egypt
  • MOVIES 12

Movies (12)

آسف على الازعاج
آسف على الازعاج
Farida / Mariam
نور عيني
نور عيني
بعد الموقعة‎‎
بعد الموقعة‎‎
بنات وسط البلد
بنات وسط البلد
من أجل زيكو
من أجل زيكو
اذاعة حب
اذاعة حب
شلة ليبون
شلة ليبون
سمير أبو النيل
سمير أبو النيل
الماء والخضرة والوجه الحسن
الماء والخضرة والوجه…
كده رضا
كده رضا
تراب الماس
تراب الماس