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  • BIRTH 06/01/1847
  • DEATH 20/01/1908
  • Country Serbia
  • SCRIPT 1

Milovan Glišić

Milovan Glišić (1847–1908) was a Serbian writer, dramatist, translator, and literary theorist. He is sometimes referred to as 'the Serbian Gogol'. Glišić was the first Serbian prose realist to deal with rural themes and the patriarchal milieu. Based on peasant life and often built upon popular legend, his stories accurately depict the life of the down-trodden and poor in the Balkans, exposing the usurers, and the insincere love of the ruling class for the common folk. Though best known for his realist stories, several of his works included horror motifs of Serbian folklore and superstition.

Milovan Glišić

