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Liderança | Nerdologia Ensina 04

Estácio Carreiras: http://www.estaciocarreiras.com.br/
Vestibular: https://estac.io/PCV4

No Nerdologia Ensina (Habilidades Comportamentais) de hoje, vamos ver o que é a liderança, o que faz alguém ser um bom líder.

Átila Iamarino:
- http://www.twitter.com/oatila
- http://instagram.com/oatila

Átila Iamarino: http://www.twitter.com/oatila
Sophia La Banca

Edição e Arte:
Estúdio 42 – http://www.estudio42.com.br

Giles, S. (2016). The most important leadership competencies, according to leaders around the world. Harvard Business Review, 1-6.
Grohol, J. M. (2017). Become a better listener: Active listening. Psych Central.
Folkman, J., & Zenger, J. (2013). Overcoming Feedback Phobia: Take the First Step. Harvard Business Review - https://hbr.org/2013/12/overcoming-feedback-phobia-take-the-first-step
Pidgeon, K. (2017). The keys for success: Leadership core competencies. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 24(6), 338-341.
Croft, L., & Seemiller, C. (2017). Developing Leadership Competencies. New Dir Stud Leadersh. 2017(156):7-18.
Wang, D., Waldman, DA., & Zhang, Z. (2014). A meta-analysis of shared leadership and team effectiveness. J Appl Psychol. 99(2):181-98.
Rosch, D. M., & Collins, J. D. (2017). The significance of student organizations to leadership development. New directions for student leadership, 2017(155), 9-19.
 Angstwurm, M., Fischer, MR.,  Kiesewetter, J., Krohn, AC. Netzl, J., & Schmidt-Huber, M. (2013). Training of leadership skills in medical education. GMS Z Med Ausbild. 30(4).
Martinko, M. J., Mackey, J. D., Moss, S. E., Harvey, P., McAllister, C. P., & Brees, J. R. (2018). An exploration of the role of subordinate affect in leader evaluations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(7), 738–752.

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VÍDEO - abstract: https://bit.ly/2LD0haZ
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VÍDEO pessoas conversando: https://bit.ly/2s5AukF
VÍDEO bateria: https://bit.ly/2P2RBwC
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IMAGEM Chefe boneco por www_slon_pics: https://bit.ly/342Sqd3

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