Lading in uitvoering
Tim Whelan

Tim Whelan

Tim Whelan is 63 jaar oud ( 2 novembre 1893 - 12 août 1957).

  • GEBOORTE 02/11/1893
  • DOOD 12/08/1957
  • Land Verenigde Staten

Directeur (6)

The Thief of Bagdad
The Thief of Bagdad
Q Planes
Q Planes
Badman's Territory
Badman's Territory
Action for Slander
Action for Slander
Rage at Dawn
Rage at Dawn
Smash and Grab
Smash and Grab

Filmscript (3)

Why Worry?
Why Worry?
Safety Last!
Safety Last!
Smash and Grab
Smash and Grab