  • Género Drama
  • Duración del episodio 30 minutos
  • Duración total 3 horas 30 minutos
  • Estado Terminada
  • Canal RTL II
  • Enlaces externos La página deTVDB
  • Última actualización 8 novembre 2021 - 18:26
    en 11 bases de datos

Ferdinand von Schirach: Faith

Ferdinand von Schirach: Glauben
13 miembros 1 temporada7 episodios

Focuses on a judicial scandal from the 1990s in which numerous women and men in Worms are accused of child abuse: In the provincial town of Ottern, a pediatrician examines a girl and finds evidence of rape. It does not seem to be an isolated case - rather, children were apparently systematically abused and abused in a pornography ring. Prosecutor Cordelis (Sebastian Urzendowsky) is bringing charges against 26 people. One of the defendants is represented in court by defense attorney Richard Schlesinger (Peter Kurth), who suffers from gambling addiction. The prosecution is based in particular on over 300 interviews that social worker Ina Reuth (Katharina M. Schubert) conducted with the children.



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