Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 28/08/1984
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 25
  • FILMY 9

Zehra Fazal

Zehra Fazal jest 40-letnią aktorką (28 August 1984). Zehra Fazal wystąpił w 25 seria i 9 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Dr. Connors (voice) / Dr. Connors (voice) w serialu Spider-Man: Przyjazny pająk z sąsiedztwa. W kinie, jako Hira Manish / Newscaster (voice) w filmie fabularnym Watchmen: Chapter II.

Zehra Fazal

Pokazy (25)

Spider-Man: Przyjazny pająk z sąsiedztwa
Spider-Man: Przyjazny pająk z sąsiedztwa
Dr. Connors (voice) / Dr. Connors (voice)
Dr. Subia
Sposób na morderstwo
Sposób na morderstwo
Reporter 1
Astronaut #2 / Young Wife (voice) / Louise / Astronaut #2 (voice)
Lost in Space (2018)
Lost in Space (2018)
Jupiter / Resolute Computer (voice)
BoJack Horseman
BoJack Horseman
Ilana #1 / Ilana #2 / Demi Aplenty (voice)
Young Justice
Young Justice
Cassandra Savage (voice) / Cassandra Savage / Hawkwoman (voice) / Cassandra Savage / Lian Nguyen-Harper / Martha Kent (voice) / Cassandra Savage / Talia Al Ghul / Lian Nguyen-Harper (voice) / Cassandra Savage / Wendy Jones (voice) / Cassandra Savage / Windfall / Halo (voice) / Dead Girl (voice) / Evelyn Fox (voice) / Harper Row (voice) / Harper Row / Motherbox-Gabrielle / Madia Daou (voice) / Harper Row / Wendy Jones (voice) / Hawkwoman / Lian Nguyen-Harper (voice) / J'arlia J'axx / S'yrra S'mitt (voice) / Lian Nguyen-Harper (voice) / Lian Nguyen-Harper / Antonia 'Big Words' Rodriguez (voice) / Lian Nguyen-Harper / Wendy Jones / Windfall (voice) / S'yraa S'mitt / Windfall (voice) / Trajectory (voice) / Violet Harper / Halo (voice) / Violet Harper / Halo / Harper Row / Trajectory (voice) / Violet Harper / Harper Row / J'arlia J'axx (voice) / Violet Harper / Madia Daou / Harper Row (voice) / Wendy Jones / Lian Nguyen-Harper (voice)
Moje przygody z Supermanem
Moje przygody z Supermanem
Leslie Willis / Driver (voice) / Leslie Willis / Livewire (voice) / Leslie Willis / Livewire / Child (voice) / Livewire (voice) / Livewire / Leslie Willis / Assistant (voice) / Livewire / Thanagarian (voice)
Carol & the End of the World
Carol & the End of the World
Magnum: Detektyw z Hawajów
Magnum: Detektyw z Hawajów
She-Ra i księżniczki mocy
She-Ra i księżniczki mocy
Mara (voice)
Stworzona do miłości
Stworzona do miłości
Star Trek: Protogwiazda
Star Trek: Protogwiazda
Boxy (voice)
iCarly (2021)
iCarly (2021)
Janine (voice)
Dragon Age: Absolution
Dragon Age: Absolution
Cook (voice) / Tassia (voice)
Blade Runner: Black Lotus
Blade Runner: Black Lotus
Old Woman (voice)
ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series
ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series
Robot Space Bear (voice)
Craig of the Creek
Craig of the Creek
Faraday (voice) / Faraday / The Squashinator (voice) / Shannon (voice) / Shopkeeper / The Mayor (voice) / The Squashinator (voice) / Water Lily / The Squashinator (voice)
Additional Voices (voice)
Mr. Mayor
Mr. Mayor
Madagascar: A Little Wild
Madagascar: A Little Wild
Gemma Splatterblot (voice)
Bugs Bunny Builders
Bugs Bunny Builders
Brenda Buzzard / Buzzard Kid #1 (voice)

Filmy (9)

Watchmen: Chapter II
Watchmen: Chapter II
Hira Manish / Newscaster (voice)
The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday
The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday
Tiffany Fluffit (voice)
The Desperate Hour
The Desperate Hour
News Reporter
Batman: Death in the Family
Batman: Death in the Family
Talia al Ghul / Reporter 3 (voice)
Craig Before the Creek
Craig Before the Creek
Gala / Shannon the Scout / Tattoo (voice)
Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe
Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe
Butt-Head Fantasy Woman #1 (voice)
Catwoman: Hunted
Catwoman: Hunted
Talia al Ghul / Nosferata / Interpol Commando 1 (voice)
Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match
Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match
Jataaka (voice)
We Lost Our Human
We Lost Our Human
Cat Shopkeep / Zebra Villager (voice)