Ładowanie w toku
  • Kraj Belgia
  • Gatunek Rzeczywistość
  • Runtime 45 minuty
  • Całkowity czas pracy 16 godzin 30 minut
  • Status Kontynuując
  • Sieć VRT 1
  • Linki zewnętrzne StronaTVDB
    Strona TheMovieDB
  • Ostatnia aktualizacja 6 avril 2024 - 19:00
    na 11 bazach danych

The Class (2017)

De klas
11 członkowie 3 sezony22 epizody

A group of sixteen-year-olds plays the leading role. They are met by a new teacher – someone they know from television. He or she confronts young people with current themes and gains insight into the thinking world of young people today. Each week, a different, well-known teacher stands in front of the board. Tom Waes, Danira Boukhriss and Otto-Jan Ham, among others, take up the challenge to teach the students something that they themselves find important in life. But they may also learn something from the youngsters themselves. It will be a lesson with unexpected twists and strong opinions.




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