Ładowanie w toku
  • Kraj Kanada
  • Gatunek Dramat
  • Runtime 45 minuty
  • Całkowity czas pracy 39 godzin 45 minut
  • Status Anulowane
  • Sieć Spike TV
  • Linki zewnętrzne StronaTVDB
    Strona TheMovieDB
  • Ostatnia aktualizacja 4 mai 2020 - 02:15
    na 11 bazach danych

The WWE Experience

50 członkowie 2 sezony53 epizody

If you want information about WWE Raw and Smackdown this is the show to watch. It tells you what happened in the wrestling week, and what is going to happen next. If you missed Raw or Smackdown! watch the WWE Experience to see the good bad and the ugly from the two great wrestling shows of our time. Featuring Ivory and Todd Grisham as your hosts and numerous guest stars, this show is one of a kind. THE WWE EXPERIENCE
Mar. 13, 2005 Todd and Ivory will be bringing you THE WWE EXPERIENCE this week from Columbus Circle. Things have been going great for JBL and his cabinet recently. JBL is still WWE Champion, and just last week his Chief of Staff Orlando Jordan won the United States Championship. This week on SmackDown! the duo had a chance to add the WWE Tag Team Championship to their collection of gold when they took on Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio. Tune in to WWE EXPERIENCE to see if the Cabinet was able to secure all the gold. Meanwhile on RAW, Randy Orton



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