Lastning pågår
  • Direktör Zhang Luan
  • Filmmanus Tianyi Dong
  • Körtid 1 timme 52 minuter
  • Genres Komedi, Science-fiction, Romantik, Drama
  • Språk Kiinnágiella
  • Externa länkar IMDB-sida
  • Senaste uppdatering 25 septembre 2023 - 06:47
    på 11 databaser


29 medlemmar

Xiao Wu, who had been at odds with his father, Lao Wu, accidentally travels back in time to the 1980s. He prevents the first encounter between his parents in mainland China. In order to correct this mistake, he tries to return to the past again, to encourage his mother to chase his father. Do the parents meet and fall in love again despite Xiao Wu's intervention?

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