Lastning pågår
  • Körtid 2 timmar 1 minut
  • Genre Musik
  • Språk Japánagiella
  • Externa länkar IMDB-sida
  • Senaste uppdatering 5 mai 2021 - 08:42
    på 11 databaser


Utada United
3 medlemmar

J-pop princess Utada Hikaru hasn't held a live tour for ages. However all of that changed with the launch of her nation-wide Utada United 2006 tour. Recorded live with high-vision technology during her gig at the Saitama Super Arena, the atmosphere, the excitement, and 21 of Utada's tracks are now available for home viewing. Featuring her Oricon No. 1 hits Colors, Hikaru, and Sakura Drops plus many other favorites, Hikki addiction is guaranteed from beginning to end with this power-packed DVD release. (© 2006-2011 YesAsia.com Ltd)



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