Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 22/05/1900
  • ŚMIERĆ 19/02/1968
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 2
  • FILMY 25

Ralph Dunn

Ralph Dunn to 67-letni aktor (22 May 1900 - 19 February 1968). Ralph Dunn wystąpił w 2 seria i 25 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Lieutenant Rooney w serialu Hallmark Hall Of Fame. W kinie, jako Fred Callahan (uncredited) w filmie fabularnym Laura.

Ralph Dunn

Pokazy (2)

Hallmark Hall Of Fame
Hallmark Hall Of Fame
Lieutenant Rooney
Studio One
Studio One
Sergeant MacReynolds

Filmy (25)

Fred Callahan (uncredited)
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Flophouse Bum (uncredited)
Along Came Jones
Along Came Jones
Cotton (uncredited)
Singing Guns
Singing Guns
The Walking Hills
The Walking Hills
Trail of the Vigilantes
Trail of the Vigilantes
Deputy Sheriff
The Pajama Game
The Pajama Game
Myron Hasler
The Dark Corner
The Dark Corner
Policeman at Gallery (uncredited)
Who Done It?
Who Done It?
Leader of Phantom Gang
No Way Out
No Way Out
Sam (uncredited)
Mr. Moto in Danger Island
Mr. Moto in Danger Island
Cop with McGurk
Scarlet Street
Scarlet Street
First Policeman in Park (uncredited)
I Married a Witch
I Married a Witch
First Prison Guard (uncredited)
Murder, My Sweet
Murder, My Sweet
Detective (uncredited)
Nobody Lives Forever
Nobody Lives Forever
Ben, Watchman / Henchman (uncredited)
The Saint's Double Trouble
The Saint's Double Trouble
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
The Crowd Roars
The Crowd Roars
Racetrack Official
Mummy's Dummies
Mummy's Dummies
Phantom Raiders
Phantom Raiders
Port Policeman
Bridge Worker (uncredited)
Blind Alley
Blind Alley
Trooper Cronin
Larceny in Her Heart
Larceny in Her Heart
Det. Sgt. Pete Rafferty
Scouts to the Rescue
Scouts to the Rescue
Henchman Pug O'Toole
A Night to Remember
A Night to Remember
Henderson (uncredited)
Lady in the Lake
Lady in the Lake
Sergeant (Uncredited)